
Youth Events
Stand Alone Events
Along with our regular Sunday meetings, we have scattered "stand-alone" events throughout the year! These events are meant to foster fellowship, fun, and opportunity to invite new faces to join! Learn more by emailing DCE Jonah for details!
Sunday Youth Group
2nd and 4th Sunday @ 6 p.m.
Sunday Youth Group is for 6th grade all the way to 12th grade! This group is intended to be a source of large group activity and growth with intentional mixing of our ages group. Join us for food, fellowship and spiritual growth and don’t forget to bring a friend!
In accordance with Biblical teaching, we at Trinity nurture and equip youth to be lifelong disciples who faithfully reach their community. We do this by providing a safe space for spiritual growth, fellowship, and opportunities that emphasize servant leadership and missions.
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
Our middle school students can participate in an age-specific weekly study of God’s Word through our Sunday school ministry. In our 9a.m. Sunday Service, middle school students will be dismissed to their classes where they learn more about God's love and grace after the children's message.
Middle School

After Confirmation, high school students have taken a big step in their spiritual walk. We encourage our high schoolers to learn and grow in church where there are many different opportunities to serve in church, their community, and their world. We want our youth to REACH OUT through Christ.
High School

Sunday Service
7th and 8th Grade
Along with our Sunday Youth Group, we offer more age-targeted spiritual development with our Confirmation. Confirmation is a Rite of the Church where individuals Confirm the faith of their baptism. At Trinity, this usually occurs at the end of 8th grade, but students and families choose when an individual understands the commitment and is ready to stand and publicly confirm the Christian faith.
Confirmation classes meet through the school year on Tuesday night.
Register with the link below to get your 7th or 8th grader involved today!