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Starts this tuesday, September 3rd!

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.

~Matthew 19:14

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Wiggle Church, which was a concept that Jonah, Kerri, and pastor first heard about at the Best Practices in Ministry conference in Phoenix last February, allows our youngest children and their families to worship together in a kid-friendly, non-intimidating setting. Yes, they’re allowed and encouraged to wiggle!

church attendance throughout our country has steadily declined. What was once a staple of our society has become an afterthought at best. Kids who grew up in the church now find it too difficult, as adults, to fit it into their busy schedules. Their kid’s sports teams, clubs, and activities, as well as their own exhaustion and distractions, now compete for time and attention on Sunday mornings. Plus, the guilt many feel about that reality keeps them from not only coming back to church, but from introducing their own children to Jesus as well.

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Our prayer is that the children who come begin a foundational and life long relationship with Jesus – and that their parents rediscover the love of Christ in their own lives as we reach up, in, and out…and do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of heaven.

Every Tuesday, Preschool kids (Infants to Pre-K), Kindergarteners, First Graders and all their families will arrive for a kid-appropriate dinner, followed by playtime. Pastor and Jonah will greet families with glow-sticks and God, message and music. The kids will learn the Lord’s Prayer, set to music, that we will sing every week.

5:30 P.M.


6:00 P.M.


6:30 P.M.


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