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Lay Shepherds
You may contact your Lay Shepherd by email below.
You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone.
Exodus 18:18
One of the most important responsibilities of a worshipping community is the spiritual care of, and fervent prayers for, God’s people.

Early in Pastor Barker’s ministry here at Trinity, he realized, like Moses, this essential obligation was enormous. So, the Lay Shepherd ministry was created to assist our church in the spiritual nourishment and safekeeping of her members.
Each Lay Shepherd is given their own “Parish,” groups of individuals and families to pray for by name daily. They contact their “flock” once a month to discover any new prayer concerns or words of thanksgiving to center their prayers around. The Shepherds then meet together with Pastor to share these confidential specific prayer requests.
These faithful, gifted and dedicated men and women of our congregation are a blessing to us all.
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